E is for Effort (Published by Bradley Pearce )

E is forEffort

Copyright 2017 Bradley Pearce Published by Bradley Pearce at obooko


Is Indiscriminate to Your age
Your gender Your ethnicity Your sexuality Your background Your education Your handicaps
It waits patiently for you to act.


It’s never too late,

To be the person you want to be 
                     Needless to say, I hear a series of excuses used by thousands of others before him: 
                                            I don’t have the money …
             I cannot do it at the moment … I’m too old …. 
        It’s not the right time …  
Each one can be knocked over in a heart-beat. But it’s safe for him to hide behind these excuses because it avoids failure

                                         Failure to start is a failure to succeed.

                                                   Success is a Conquest;  Not a Bequest.

Yet as you go through life you are constantly faced with the duality of success or failure. Whether it’s to paint the fence, paint a picture, or adhere to a New Year’s Resolution. You will oscillate between success and failure in whatever you undertake.

Progress = f(Failure)

Is success a function of education, luck or chance? Why does one member of the same family succeed while the other fails? Yet they both have the same opportunities?
Is there a magic formula, an algorithm that we can engage to invoke success? I am pleased to say that there is:

Success is a function of action. Persistent action. I will discuss this in more detail in the coming chapters of the book.
I am not here to re-invent the wheel. My task is to introduce you to what is holding you back, and how you can break free of those chains. I am a great believer of Simplicity and Transparency.
     That Success is 1% talent and 99% persistence.

Thomas Edison

    Genius is more about having imagination than having knowledge.
Albert Einstein

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not.
   Education will not.
   The world is full of educated derelicts.
Ray Koc, founder of MacDonald’s


Let’s break that last sentence down:
The Willingness to Make an Effect To Act upon them.
The willingness to act is dependent on how badly you want your goal. If you are not willing to act, then you must question the level of desire towards the goal.
How far you go, depends on how far you wish to reach.
How badly do you want your goal?

The focus of this book is the application of Effort.

  1. Effort to Dream; 
  2. Effort to Commit;
  3. Effort to Change; 
  4. Effort to Act; 
  5. Effort to Plan
  6. Effort to Fail; 
  7. Effort to Progress; 
  8. Effort to Persist; 
  9. Effort to Succeed
Making an effort to find the magic lamp